
How To Get Taste Back After Wisdom Teeth Removal

Patient Suffers Loss Of Taste Post-obit Oral Surgery

Patient Suffers Loss Of Taste Following Oral Surgery

This instance involves a college-aged male patient who had two impacted wisdom teeth that required removal. He underwent a safe removal of his correct molar, which was impacted but asymptomatic. Later on the surgery, the patient began experiencing numbness in his tongue. The patient reported this to his treating physician and was reassured that this postal service-operative symptom was temporary. No followup was made. He ultimately saw a specialist six months after his surgery and was diagnosed with traumatic neuropathy of the lingual nerve. The patient suffered a total loss of gustation sensation on his tongue.

Question(south) For Expert Witness

  • 1. Are you experienced in treating patients who require the removal of their wisdom teeth? Delight explicate.
  • 2. Have yous ever had a patient develop lingual neuropathy subsequent to a wisdom tooth removal yous performed?
  • three. What screening techniques would you have used to avoid injuring the lingual nerve?
  • 4. What is the appropriate time frame to refer a patient to a specialist when surgical complications are apparent?

Good Witness Response E-001522

I have crafted my specialty in oral surgery over a 40+ yr career, and in the course of that time, I have lectured at diverse medical schools. I am experienced in treating patients who require the removal of their wisdom teeth and am very familiar with the process of evaluating patients for the suitability of the procedure. Neuropathy of the lingual nervus is a rare just not an unusual complication of wisdom tooth removal, and information technology tin occur within the reasonable standards of care. In my long career, at least one of my patients has developed neuropathy, though the condition typically does resolve with fourth dimension. To determine if there was any wrongdoing on the part of the surgeon, I'd have to await at two factors. Firstly, I would like to review the patient's records and decide if removal of the wisdom teeth was necessary and if in that location may be an informed consent issue. Secondly, I will need to come across if there were whatsoever insults to the patient's jaw bone. Cutting also deep and causing abrasions on the jaw os would point a breach of the standard of care that would have increased the risk of lingual neuropathy.

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